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Share your WOW moments with in NYC

by John Sullivan posted at 2007-01-25 14:40 last modified 2007-02-21 16:47 Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Join in New York City for two actions to coincide with the Microsoft Vista launch on Monday, January 29th at 12pm and 2pm. They will take place near Times Square and near Grand Central.

Let us know that you can make it by emailing Include your name, email address, and phone number, so we can keep you up-to-date—if you already have an FSF account with this info in it, then just let us know your username.

Be sure to forward this post to friends and bring them along.

If you can't make it to New York City, there will be other actions for you to take part in to show your support on January 29th and 30th. We'll be sending out more details, but if you already know you want in, send your name, city, email, and phone number (or your FSF user name) to

The Backstory

In an open letter to computer users, Bill Gates asked everyone to share their “wow moments”:

As we prepare to launch Windows Vista...I'd like to invite you to share your wow moments with us. While you explore this Web site to learn more about Windows Vista, please help us celebrate the dawn of a new era by taking a few moments to share some of the wow moments you've already experienced. would like to take Mr. Gates up on his open invitation. But since the Web site Microsoft set up to collect the “wow moments” doesn't work with free software browsers, we decided to deliver our message in person.

Conveniently, Microsoft is hosting a two-part high-profile launch event near Grand Central and in Times Square in New York City on Monday, January 29th, featuring a keynote by Steve Ballmer. That's not too far away from us, so we thought we'd show up and share.

Turns out, they don't want to hear your “wow” moment unless you are important and have an invitation. We asked for one, but we were refused:

Dear Mr. Sullivan,

Thank you very much for your e-mail and for your interest in the Launch Celebration. Unfortunately, because of the limited capacity, additional invitations are not being offered.

So, we won't be inside the event. But we'll be there. We need you to be there to—and it's OK if you don't have an invitation. Come join us in sharing a “wow moment”: the realization that Vista imposes restrictions we simply won't accept on freedoms we value.

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The BadVista campaign is an advocate for the freedom of computer users, opposing adoption of Microsoft Windows Vista and promoting free (as in freedom) software alternatives.

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