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Tagging Vista at

by John Sullivan posted at 2007-01-23 15:25 last modified 2007-02-21 16:48 Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. successfully campaigned to add tags to DRM-laden products being sold via Amazon. You can now find over 775 crippled products tagged with “defectivebydesign”.

Unsurprisingly, the various versions of Windows Vista are already on that list. 14 people have gotten the ball rolling by tagging “Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium” with “defectivebydesign”.

How about we get some more up there? Take a minute to visit the page for each of the Vista versions and leave tags that express your opinion about the software, so that other potential users will have a chance to learn about the unadvertised Vista “features” that lock you out of your own computer.

Here's a list of Vista products to start.

Other than defectivebydesign, what other tags are appropriate? drm, nonfree, badvista, downgrade? If you come up with new ones, leave them in the comments here too.

And don't forget that there are also web forums on Amazon linked to from each tag and product that you can use to explain why you object to Vista or why you used a particular tag.

(Note that if you don't already have an Amazon account, you might not want one—there are serious privacy concerns about how Amazon collects data from users through their click stream and shopping habits.)

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The BadVista campaign is an advocate for the freedom of computer users, opposing adoption of Microsoft Windows Vista and promoting free (as in freedom) software alternatives.

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Vista News Watch
Why I'm Skipping Windows Vista: IT Speaks Out - PC World 2008-11-06
HP, Microsoft lie to boost sales-numbers for Vista 2008-08-13 - Vista's Security Rendered Completely Useless by New Exploit 2008-08-08
[GNU/]Linux preinstalls rocket to three per cent - The INQUIRER 2008-08-05
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