[BadVista Advocate] [Bulk] Re: Gpl3 and Linspire

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Tue Jun 19 13:31:36 EDT 2007

Michael Fötsch wrote:
> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>> It's not fair to tar the whole open source community with ESR's views.
> Not the whole community. I'm referring to Linspire specifically, because 
> as far as I know, Eric Raymond is involved with them.

That's true.

>  > A significant amount of their software is proprietary,
>> and that isn't open source or free.
> This seems to make them an "open source company" just in the sense of 
> the essay.

Yes, but I don't think most in the open source community would agree
that a company distributing mostly proprietary software is an "open
source company".  In that respect, the essay isn't fair either.

> Anyway, I don't want to criticize Linspire any more than I criticize 
> Novell or Xandros, or ESR, for that matter. I don't use their products 
> and I don't share their views. I just don't understand why it's 
> surprising that Linspire made this move...

Oh, it certainly isn't.  I was just expecting Mandriva first.

Matthew Flaschen

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