[BadVista Advocate] [Bulk] Re: Gpl3 and Linspire

Michael Fötsch foetsch at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 18 14:16:28 EDT 2007

xaos wrote:
> I understand people change... money has a grand influence in a
> capitalist society.

I can't see a change. Linspire never valued freedom. As far as I know, 
they always were the prototypical "open-source company" that RMS 
describes in his essays.

Don't forget that they're the company that Eric Raymond chose to put his 
"World Domination" plans into practice 

member greenarrow1 wrote:
 > So does anyone know if there is a loop hole in the Gpl3?

If the recent deals are causing some doubts -- well, that's just the "D" 
in FUD...

Kind Regards,

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